Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Airplane

This airplane has been SOLD.

This summer my friend Phil Brown passed away and left behind this beautiful Aerostar S.A.manufactured YAK-52 TW serial number 0112232 . The engine is the 400 HP M-14 PFX-DK and the propeller is MTV-9-B-C. Phil was the original owner and it has been cherished it's entire life. It has only been outside at airshows and has 105 hrs total time airframe/engine and propeller. Phil's illness forced the YAK into storage in 2006 until his death in the summer of 2013. The airplane has been returned to airworthy condition and has flown 10 hrs.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Front Cockpit

Here are some pictures of the front cockpit, you will notice that there is no Directional Gyro we think Phil planned to install a Sandal electronic HSI.

There was a gray vinyl material glued to the side walls , this has been removed and we have not been able to locate it. That is the glue you see in this picture of the RH sidewall.

Here is the lower RH panel, you can see there is a little moisture in the static system resulting in some fogging of the static instruments. They work fine.

Here is the Radio rack , Apollo SL15M audio panel, SL 30 Com, and SL70 Transponder.

The left side panel, the Garmin 696 is NOT included.

There is plenty of space to add additional breakers and switches on the 3rd buss area.

The caution/advisory panel.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rear Cockpit

The rear cockpit just has basic instrumentation. Here are some pictures starting with the right side wall. You can see the basic vinyl side coverings that are missing from the front.

We think the rear panel is set up like this because the original owner planned to do flight research with the airplane. The instruments would be easy to relocate to the blank panel. There are also several additional NOS blank panels that go with the airplane.

Kannad 406 ELT with fresh 6 year battery.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The landing gear

The conventional landing gear is air operated and has Cleveland wheels and hydraulic brakes installed.

Easy to replace standard American tires.

Wheel wells are clean and the gear works perfectly.

The tail

Here are some shots of the tail, there is another complete set of tail surfaces that go with the airplane. I seem to remember Phil mentioning something about the thickness of the tail skins being increased, we think the airplane has the latest mod.

You can see that the paint work is flawless , I understand that this shop is no longer operating.

Has dependable , easy to maintain Scott 3200 tailwheel.

Top of the horizontal tail.

Underside of the horizontal tail.

Aircraft is based at KJGG Williamsburg Jamestown Airport, Williamsburg VA.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The tail cone

These shots show how clean this airplane is inside. The air tanks were hydro tested last month at the condition inspection, the large tank is brand new.

The battery was also replaced with new at the condition inspection.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Antenna Farm

You can see from the airplane pictures that Phil installed a regular smorgasbord of antennas on the airplane. His plan was to offer the airplane as a test vehicle for avionic system manufacturers to install and test new equipment. To accommodate  this he installed various com and nav antennas. The new owner will probably want to remove some if not most of these. We feel this is best left to the new owner once he/she decides how they want to configure the systems. Here is what is currently installed.

The top com antenna.

The bottom com antenna.

The VOR antenna.

The IFF antenna?

This is a spare mount location on the belly.

The marker beacon antenna.

This one I am not sure , but there are some handheld radios that we think he was going to use to communicate with ground crews.